
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The jinni that troubled the practitioners was powerless in Tasbeeh khana

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

In the morning, I didnt tell anyone about what happened in the night. After this incident, I suffered from fever for three to four days. And then, after a few days, my brother died without any reason.

Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! May Allah endow you with countless blessings, may He sanctify you with the life of Khizr (علیہ السلام), amen. We are the readers of your Ubqari magazine for last two years. This incident took place thirty years ago. Before getting married, we all brothers and sisters lived together in our parents’ home. Once in winters, while I was sleeping, I saw that a witch came from the side of a wall. Her nails and hair was terribly long. But I didn’t get afraid. She stood beside my head. That night, my younger brother, who was almost five to six years old, was also sleeping with me. My brother was very cute. The witch said to me, “Give me your brother, he is so charming”. I said, “I will never give my brother to you”. She said, “I will take your brother”, and she pulled me with my hair. During this, I suddenly said, “O Allah” and she ran away immediately. While going she said that she would take away my brother. In the morning, I didn’t tell anyone about what happened in the night. After this incident, I suffered from fever for three to four days. And then, after a few days, my brother died without any reason. He screamed mildly in the morning when he was sleeping with my father and died in the evening. I was deeply grieved because of my brother’s death. I wish I would have told my parents about that incident, perhaps he could be saved. This incident happened truly. Later, a spiritual person told us that the witch was after my father and she killed my brother because of him. (M. I. Jahanina Mandi)

Got rid of tyrant jinni Bajrang Bali

Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! Today I am sharing with Ubqari, the biggest problem in my life. My problem was very old. Someone was there who used to abuse me every night. I went to many spiritual persons, they gave me amulets to wear but I didn’t recover. Treatment was going on for years but there was no improvement. Many spiritual persons tried to treat me but there came a time when they got tired because the jinni was very powerful. Now I had severe pain in my eyes, head, joints and chest. I felt like my heart was sinking. A maulana sahib lives in our street. I started getting spiritual treatment from him. He used to blow upon me. After a few days, while he was blowing upon me, there were common pins falling from between my head and shoulders which were twisted from centre. He told me that somebody made my effigy and the spell had got into my blood in form of slave-jinni. I used to feel better if I had regular spiritual blows but the day I discontinued, I suffered the same condition. Three to four days later, he called upon the slave-jinni and asked him if he came by his own will or was he sent by someone? He replied that a lady had imposed him upon me. Maulana sahib asked him to go away. He said that he could not leave because if he did, she would kill him. She imposed him upon me to kill me and it was his duty. He told that his name was “Bajrang Bali”. He was attempting to beat me again and again. Maulana sahib asked him to clear me. He pressed his hand upon my head and just like the other day, quite many twisted common pins revealed from my head. Maulana sahib asked him to leave; he said that he would go on one condition that I should take thirty one spines of porcupine, rub them with my body on ascending nights of every moon and bury in Baradari. Repeat this practice for twenty one times. Then we came to you with our problem. You gave us the practice of “Ya Mumeetu Ya Qabizu” [یَامُمِیْتُ یَاقَابِضُ]. We are reciting it continuously. Initially when I started reciting this practice I had pain in my eyes, head and joints. Sometimes I felt that I was about to die. But gradually I have started getting better. That jinni seldom comes and begs me not to recite this practice. Alhamdulillah, I have got 

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